$12 Million Plan to Update Village Streetscape

On July 11, 2022, the SCA hosted a Zoom about Federal Realty’s new $12 million proposal for updating Village public spaces, hopefully in 2023. A record turnout of 55 people participated in this membership meeting. Federal Realty Investment Trust (FRIT) is the longtime property owner for the mixed retail core of our urban village. Geoff Sharpe, Vice President Creative Planning & Development, made the presentation with landscape architect Rodrigo Abela of the nationally-known design firm GGN. Mr. Abela lives in South Arlington and is a frequent visitor to Shirlington.

Overall reaction was enthusiastic, feeling this plan was a much better fit than one we saw in early 2021. With respect to the Campbell Avenue plaza, a vote was taken to ask the County to deaccession and remove “Down Stream” by Martha Jackson-Jarvis, the broken mosaic fountain in front of the public library entrance. The motion carried unanimously. This will also clear the way for new concepts for this space as shown in the photo above.

Following the SCA meeting, FRIT presented its proposal to Village merchants and other key stakeholders, Green Valley Civic Association’s executive committee and the Fairlington Citizen Association. The SCA will monitor this plan carefully as it develops. Your comments are always welcome at info@shirlingtoncivicassociation.org and will be shared with FRIT.
