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SCA Meeting via Zoom
Monday, September 9, 2024; 7 - 8 pm
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Guest: Genelle Schuler, Arlington Public Library, Shirlington Branch
Join our conversation with Shirlington's Hometown Librarian
Genelle Schuler, Branch Manager of the Shirlington Public Library, is a native Arlingtonian. She's passionate about community engagement, environmental sustainability and, of course, all things literary.
An AFAC volunteer, Friends of Green Springs Garden (FROG) member, Food Security Grant reviewer and Master Gardener, Genelle attended Arlington public schools and served as vice president of the Arlington Mill Civic Association.
The Village at Shirlington emerged from the worst of the Covid-19 crisis doing pretty well. Most retail spaces are leased. Some of the credit goes to you. The loyal support…
Each night this week, an artificial fog will roll through the Village at Shirlington. Itspurpose is to get a murder of crows, which once again wintered in Arlington — doingtheir…
Is there enough parking in the Village at Shirlington? Here’s what we told County urban planners on July 7, 2019. It remains our bottom line on any approval process for…
Note: This letter refers to the overall rationale for making changes in Shirlington public spaces and specifically to the June, 2021 FRIT proposal, which was replaced by an even better…
Association Map
Shirlington Civic Association [SCA] is a volunteer organization of residents and businesses located in the Shirlington area. The purpose of SCA is to help maintain and improve the quality of life in our neighborhood by working in partnership with the Arlington government, local businesses and other community organizations to bring about civic betterment and social improvements for the good of our residents, businesses and the welfare of our community.