People at a conference studying paper files

Four Mile Run Valley Planning Update

By Shirlington Civic Association / February 1, 2017 /

We are now in Month 7 of the 4MRV planning process. There is lots of time for YOU to get involvedand informed before final decisions are made, but don’t delay.…

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Two woman and a man talking over AirBnb Rentals

Arlington’s new “AirBnB” Policy

By Shirlington Civic Association / January 1, 2017 /

This winter, the County solicited citizen input on what is known as “short-termresidential rentals.” To mere mortals, this comes down to whether AirBnB and similarresidence “sharing” businesses should be allowed…

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A group of people for Trades Tour Center

Recycling “Center” Move to Trades Center

By Shirlington Civic Association / December 15, 2016 /

On September 27, the County requested a Use Permit to move the Recycling Center now atColumbia Pike and Four Mile Run Drive to the Trades Center. A final vote of…

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Cambell Garage Parking Harris Teeter

Campbell Garage Parking – We Strike Out

By Shirlington Civic Association / December 14, 2016 /

As many residents are aware, in 2016 there has been a coordinated effort to improve parking inCampbell Garage. It didn’t work out, and here’s why.There are 7 parties to an…

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Sunset Over JDP Vast landscape

What do you want in our parks? Shirlington speaks up!

By Shirlington Civic Association / September 19, 2016 /

“More monkey bars!” said a 10- year- old Hispanic boy. His family was having a cook-out inJennie Dean Park on Labor Day. I asked what they would like to… Read…

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S Arlington Mill Drive Street and Cars

County responds about South Arlington Mill Drive changes

By Shirlington Civic Association / June 29, 2016 /

Following up on our June 8th meeting, the Association received this response on June22 from the County concerning proposed changes to South Arlington Mill Drive.) Read More

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Group of People walking on the street

4MRV Working Group Finally Launches, Shirlington Reps Named

By Shirlington Civic Association / May 18, 2016 /

Finally! On May 17, the Arlington County Board appointed the Working Group for the Four MileRun Valley (4MRV) Initiative. This too-long-awaited planning effort will focus on a large area,including both…

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Houses and snow covered exterior area

Shirlington offers a quiet, convenient lifestyle close to the District

By Harriet Edleson, Washington Post / February 19, 2016 /

Arlington’s Shirlington community, originally developed in the 1940s, has grown andchanged through the years but maintains a village vibe that appeals to young families andempty nesters alike.Twelve years ago, when…

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Shirlington Civic Association

Dog Park Protests, County Responds

By Shirlington Civic Association / February 21, 2011 /

How will Four Mile Run Valley planning affect the Shirlington dog park? Will it stay in itscurrent location? The SCA certainly hopes so. We are advocating for that vigorously… Read…

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Main street revisited Washington SCA

Shirlington: It’s Not a Close Secret

By Louie Estrada, / December 11, 1993 /

The Arlington County community of Shirlington, with its village shops, with its villageshops and residential units, was first developed in 1943 to take advantage of aconvenient location off of Shirley…

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