Car-related Theft & Towing Update for Campbell Garage, aka the “Harris Teeter Garage”

Since February, eight incidents of nighttime car-related theft in the Campbell Garage in the Village have been reported. As of Memorial Day Weekend, thieves have stolen the wheels from seven Toyota Camrys and, most recently, one Acura. Residents and hotel guests rightfully want to know what this means for their nighttime parking, particularly public parking on floors 2 and 3.

The Shirlington Civic Association (SCA) discussed this issue at its May 13th meeting. Then we consulted with Federal Realty Investment Trust (FRIT), the Arlington County Police Department (ACPD), and many others. This is what we can tell you now about theft risks. Please read the information below about how to avoid towing as well.

Owners Beware – Deterring Car-Related Theft

Since the incidents were reported, FRIT, the garage manager, has increased nighttime security patrols. ACPD has also been on the alert and added some drive-thoroughs of the structure. The problem, however, is neither local nor simple to resolve.

Thefts for parts and wheels are happening all over the DMV area and beyond. Car-related theft is a national problem – sometimes carried out by gangs, other times by locals. An online search for Arlington shows photos of stripped cars up on blocks in parking garage structures, especially in Crystal City and Pentagon City.

Theft of components has reportedly increased as car manufacturers have made it more difficult to steal vehicles. “How-to-steal” videos are available on YouTube. Online marketplaces now allow thieves to sell stolen parts using mobile phones. Parts from popular cars such as the Toyota Camry are particularly easy to resell. Lug nuts for removing tires are listed on Amazon or are taken from glove compartments.

In short, this is a big problem to which we all have to adjust. Cameras in an open public garage are not seen as a solution even by the police; these thieves are quick and experienced, and they disguise their faces. Car owners need to act more defensively to protect their vehicles.

So what can you do? Deterrence is about making it more difficult and time-consuming to tamper with your car and wheels than with another car.

-If you have access to a reserved parking area, use it.

-Don’t leave your wheel lug nut in the glove compartment or easy-to-find places. Don’t leave valuables inside the car.

-Know the automobiles most sought after by thieves and research the vulnerabilities of your particular car/model/year.

-Consider new products being used to deter such theft

-Immediately file an online crime report of any tampering or theft to help police see patterns and direct resources. Don’t just notify your insurer. The police want to know.

To Avoid Being Towed

-Please do not to use the Campbell Garage’s public parking (or ‘shared’) spaces, primarily on floors 2 and 3, for long term storage of cars.

-On weekdays, cars may be left overnight by you and your guests between 6:00 pm and 11:00 am but should be moved after 11:00 am to allow for shared use and retail parking. You do not need to move cars on weekends or major holidays.

– Derelict or abandoned cars in these areas will be towed including for flat tires and expired tags. Heavy dust on car bodies and windshields is a tell-tale sign. This is a hint!

– Similarly, hotel guests should be reminded to use the hotel’s reserved spaces on the 4th floor and display hotel tags; others using these spots can be towed.

-The Harris Teeter one-hour parking meters on the 1st floor, which have been broken for so long, will be fixed to prevent day-long use. Signage will be improved everywhere, we hope.

The garage manager promises to increase communications about these conditions and improvements as changes occur. We will keep you updated as well. Thanks to everyone who participated on May 13th in a very helpful discussion. #arlingtonva#ACPD#VillageOfShirlington#Shirlington#Delancey#shirlingtonvillagecondo#signaturetheatre#hiltongardeninnshirlington Please share.
