Long shot of the village street, tree, and white chairs

SCA Board Report for 2020

By Shirlington Civic Association / May 1, 2021 /

Dear Shirlington Homeowner Associations, Residents, Nonprofits, and Merchants: We hope you saw the April 17th Washington Post Real Estate article, which captures many aspects of our unique community including itsaffordability…Shirlington…

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A cyclist cycling at Shirlington Park

Shirlington Park, Past and Present

By Shirlington Civic Association / June 1, 2020 /

Shirlington Park is one of our area’s treasured assets. This narrow, tree-filled park with a pedestrianand biking trail runs along Four Mile Run stream parallel to S Arlington Mill Drive…

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Special GLUP Study area map

SCA Comments on the Request for a Planning Study

By Shirlington Civic Association / February 14, 2018 /

Remarks to the Planning Commission, Arlington County by President of Shirlington CivicAssociation:Federal Realty is of course the property owner for the Village of Shirlington. Our civicassociation is larger than the…

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Men and Women at AFAC team

What Have We Done for Shirlington Lately?

By Shirlington Civic Association / July 19, 2017 /

Two years ago, we formed Shirlington’s first-ever civic association to give our community avoice in Arlington County affairs. With 2,200 households in eight homeowner associations andthree large rental… Read More

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A white furry dog small portrait

SCA Dog Park Resolution Passes Unanimously

By Shirlington Civic Association / February 23, 2017 /

On its well-attended February 22 Membership meeting, the Association heard a presentation by Mr.Keith Fred, head of the Shirlington Dogs II volunteer sponsor group. This presentation, with slides,was… Read More

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Portrait of a small dog

SCA Dog Park Resolution Passes Unanimously

By Shirlington Civic Association / February 23, 2017 /

On its well-attended February 22 Membership meeting, the Association heard a presentation by Mr. Keith Fred, head of the Shirlington Dogs II volunteer sponsor group. This presentation, with slides, was…

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A green and white ART bus on the road

ART Buses leaving the parking area on March 1,2017

By Shirlington Civic Association / February 8, 2017 /

On February 8th, 2017, the SCA received the following news from the Department ofEnvironmental Services (DES) about the Arlington Transit (ART) buses now in the park andrelated matters. … Read…

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People at a conference studying paper files

Four Mile Run Valley Planning Update

By Shirlington Civic Association / February 1, 2017 /

We are now in Month 7 of the 4MRV planning process. There is lots of time for YOU to get involvedand informed before final decisions are made, but don’t delay.…

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Two woman and a man talking over AirBnb Rentals

Arlington’s new “AirBnB” Policy

By Shirlington Civic Association / January 1, 2017 /

This winter, the County solicited citizen input on what is known as “short-termresidential rentals.” To mere mortals, this comes down to whether AirBnB and similarresidence “sharing” businesses should be allowed…

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A group of people for Trades Tour Center

Recycling “Center” Move to Trades Center

By Shirlington Civic Association / December 15, 2016 /

On September 27, the County requested a Use Permit to move the Recycling Center now atColumbia Pike and Four Mile Run Drive to the Trades Center. A final vote of…

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